Porto Seguro

School Heritage Center

Aware of the importance of preserving its institutional memory and cherishing its history, Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro created the School Heritage Center in 2004. It is located on the Panamby Campus and stores, maintains, manages and provides the documents that constitute the historical heritage of the Institution, besides facilitating access to information for purposes of essays and research.


The School Heritage Center inventory is composed of several kinds of documents prepared by the School throughout its 140 years of existence, from its very foundation in 1878 until this day. For the most part, it contains text-based documentation such as school records, registration books, classroom lists, school reports, yearbooks, etc.

The oldest document in the collection, the foundation protocol of the “Joint Stock Corporation” – first sponsoring entity of our School – dates back to September 22, 1878.


The photo archives arouse great interest among the visitors, who can enjoy a true time travel.  Another highlight is the exhibit of trophies and medals won by our students during sports competitions and music festivals, which have always been greatly valued at the School. Rounding up the items on display are daily school objects as well as material produced for celebrations and festivities. Antique furniture and paintings that are currently exhibited on the School campuses belong to the inventory of the School Heritage Center as well.

Community Participation

The School Heritage Center not only preserves various School materials, it also accepts donations of documents, photographs, uniforms and textbooks that could contribute to depict the daily life at our School. The participation of the entire School community, including alumni and former teachers is always welcome and of great importance. People interested in donating material can get more information by contacting the School Heritage Center via the email address: centrodememoria@portoseguro.org.br


Besides storing and maintaining historical documents, the School Heritage Center works at other fronts as well. For example, every year it is visited by student groups accompanied by teachers for pedagogical activities. It also discloses the School history by organizing thematic exhibits and presentations.

Opening Hours

The School Heritage Center is located on the Panamby Campus, at Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro, and is open both to the School community and to the broad public from Monday to Friday (except on holidays), from 8 am to 4 pm.

Directions and phone number:
Rua Itapaiuna, 1350 Panamby, São Paulo, Brazil
Phone: (11) 3747-9201


Rua Floriano Peixoto Santos, 55 - Morumbi São Paulo - SP

CEP: 05658-080

Phone: +55 11 3771 8000


Rua Itapaiuna, 1355 - Panamby

CEP 05707-001

Phone: +55 11 3747 9000


Rod. Visconde de Porto Seguro, 5.701 - Vale do Itamaracá

CEP 13278-327

Phone: +55 19 3859 6000

Portinho Morumbi

Rua Leocádio Ferreira, 20 - Morumbi

CEP 05659-030

Phone: +55 11 3771 8161

Portinho Panamby

Rua Itapaiuna, 1350 - Panamby

CEP 05707-001

Phone: +55 11 3747 9251

Portinho Valinhos

Alameda Itatuba, 236 - Vale do Itamaracá

CEP 13278-520

Phone: +55 19 3859 6121

Vila Andrade

Rua Maria José da Conceição, 166 - Vila Andrade

CEP 05730-170

Phone: +55 11 3740 1099

Certifications that inspire us to do our best

Certificações que nos inspiram a fazer o nosso melhor