Porto Seguro

Further Education

With the Further Education Program, the School reiterates its commitment to the development of multiple talents, enabling our students to tread their paths with competency and confidence.

The goal of the courses is to discover, to awaken and to develop essential skills for today’s world through a set of contents and activities that are not always available in regular education. All activities are accredited by the School or the partner university and promote competences such as public speaking (also in other languages), teamwork, understanding and development of physical skills, creative problem-solving, development of individual and collective projects, mobilization of interdisciplinary contents, among others.

At the end of the education course, the formative path of each student will make up an extensive Further Education report.



Extra Courses represent an opportunity for the students to discover, awaken and develop their talents!


The courses emphasize collaborative action, practical classes that favor the exchange of experiences and new bonds of friendship, besides allowing students to develop their creative talents, valuing their individuality.


Through the various possibilities, the courses present options for physical activities that prioritize a formative approach as well as a healthier and happier life.


Classes work on communication with the aim of increasing social relationships and cultural diversity, prioritizing respect for diversity and active listening.


The courses develop skills related to the ability to innovate by promoting creativity, communication, teamwork, resilience, initiative, autonomy, as well as systemic/critical thinking and entrepreneurial behavior.


The course brings our future university students closer to professional careers, through partnerships with renowned higher education institutions.

What is your talent? How far can it take you? We believe you don't have one, but many of them. When we do what we like, that's when we understand who we really are. We are multiple. We are capable of more!


In order to expand our intercultural experiences and the learning of German or English, we offer our Elementary School students (3rd to 5th grade) the so-called +Idiomas Program.

This intensive Further Education course consists of 8 weekly classes outside the regular school schedule, i.e., from 10 to 11:30 am (for students who have regular classes in the afternoon) or from 2 to 3:30 pm (for morning class students), from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, the students also have the option of taking our separately charged extra courses.

The proposal includes lunch care (separately paid) and a period for hygiene and rest.

Here, our students have new experiences through interactive approaches with a School class-exclusive teacher, which goes way beyond simply learning a language.?

+Idiomas Timetable


7:15 to 7:30 am

Welcoming and Reception

7:30 am to 12:30 pm

Regular Classes

12:30 to 2 pm

Lunch, recreation, hygiene and rest

2 to 3:30 pm

+Idiomas Classes


Rua Floriano Peixoto Santos, 55 - Morumbi São Paulo - SP

CEP: 05658-080

Phone: +55 11 3771 8000


Rua Itapaiuna, 1355 - Panamby

CEP 05707-001

Phone: +55 11 3747 9000


Rod. Visconde de Porto Seguro, 5.701 - Vale do Itamaracá

CEP 13278-327

Phone: +55 19 3859 6000

Portinho Morumbi

Rua Leocádio Ferreira, 20 - Morumbi

CEP 05659-030

Phone: +55 11 3771 8161

Portinho Panamby

Rua Itapaiuna, 1350 - Panamby

CEP 05707-001

Phone: +55 11 3747 9251

Portinho Valinhos

Alameda Itatuba, 236 - Vale do Itamaracá

CEP 13278-520

Phone: +55 19 3859 6121

Vila Andrade

Rua Maria José da Conceição, 166 - Vila Andrade

CEP 05730-170

Phone: +55 11 3740 1099

Certifications that inspire us to do our best

Certificações que nos inspiram a fazer o nosso melhor