Porto Seguro

Your Future is Now

With the Further Education Programme, Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro reaffirms its commitment to developing the multiple talents of our students, enabling them to tread their paths skilfully and confidently.

The aim of these courses is to discover, stimulate and develop essential skills for today’s world through a range of contents and activities that go beyond regular education.

All activities are accredited by Porto or partner universities and promote competences such as public speaking (also in other languages), teamwork, understanding and development of physical skills, creative problem-solving, development of individual and collective projects, mobilization of interdisciplinary contents, among others.

At the end of the education journey at Porto, the formative path of each student will make up an extensive further education report.


50+ extra
Art, Music,
Drama and Gastronomy

Culture extra courses are an important complement to regular classes, offering students the opportunity to develop skills in visual arts, performing arts, music and gastronomy. In these courses, students have the chance to develop their creative talents and are valued for their individual characteristics.

With an emphasis on teamwork, classes are primarily practical and encourage the exchange of experiences and the making of friendships in a relaxed and enjoyable way.

Lisie De Lucca

Culture Director


We just need to turn on the TV, access the internet or look in the streets and parks to see how sports are present in our daily lives.

At Porto Seguro, we are committed to providing our students with several physical activity options that not only promote the development of the student and a healthier lifestyle, but also moments of discovery, exchange and overcoming challenges.

Alexandre Hammer Calixto

Institutional Sports Director


Learning languages means expanding the concept of the ‘other’, experimenting with new ideas, getting to know different points of view, benefiting from cultural diversity and communicating in a way that improves social relationships and opportunities for sharing and cooperation.

We aim to develop individuals engaged with global issues and who prioritise respect for diversity, active listening, dialogue and sound points of view.

Language Team


The 21st-century student has a different skill profile, which makes it necessary to develop technology-related competences to meet the demands of a networked reality where digital media are used to find solutions to current and future problems.

The Digital Education extra courses are an excellent opportunity for students to develop their talents and innovation skills, which are essential competences for future leaders.

Joice Lopes Leite

Institutional Digital Education Director


Rua Floriano Peixoto Santos, 55 - Morumbi São Paulo - SP

CEP: 05658-080

Phone: +55 11 3771 8000


Rua Itapaiuna, 1355 - Panamby

CEP 05707-001

Phone: +55 11 3747 9000


Rod. Visconde de Porto Seguro, 5.701 - Vale do Itamaracá

CEP 13278-327

Phone: +55 19 3859 6000

Portinho Morumbi

Rua Leocádio Ferreira, 20 - Morumbi

CEP 05659-030

Phone: +55 11 3771 8161

Portinho Panamby

Rua Itapaiuna, 1350 - Panamby

CEP 05707-001

Phone: +55 11 3747 9251

Portinho Valinhos

Alameda Itatuba, 236 - Vale do Itamaracá

CEP 13278-520

Phone: +55 19 3859 6121

Vila Andrade

Rua Maria José da Conceição, 166 - Vila Andrade

CEP 05730-170

Phone: +55 11 3740 1099

Certifications that inspire us to do our best

Certificaçes que nos inspiram a fazer o nosso melhor